
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

LIMB SHAVER, Walnut Grove Hunting Products

Walnut Grove Hunting Products

I had a great chance to try out another quality product from
Our hunting group used the Limb Shaver with Saw attachment for clearing shooting lanes.  This is a fully customizable saw and works very well in many different applications.  What I really like most about the Limb Shaver is the easy way in which it can be packed in a packet or hunting pack.  I cut a small tree down to about 7 ft in length and used it as a saw handle.  This gave me the ability to reach limbs up to around 15 ft high which worked out great.  I would recommend the Limb Shaver with the offered Saw attachment Walnut Grove also offers just the attachment unit to use with your existing saw. 
Limb Shaver with Saw mounted on a 7 ft limb.

Kaitlyn using the Limb Shaver to clear shooting lanes.
Joe and Jeff using the Limb Shaver.

Limb Shaver without saw blade. Photo from Walnut Grove Hunting Products.

Limb Shaver with customer supplied saw. Photo from Walnut Grove Hunting Products

Click on this link to view the Walnut Grove Hunting Products Web Page.

For question or comments and if you have products you would like to share with our viewers:
Shelby Byrd

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Alabama Game Check Now Voluntary

After careful consideration, Conservation Commissioner N Gunter Guy, Jr., with the full support of the Conservation Advisory Board (CAB), has decided to withdraw the mandatory Game Check regulation and implement voluntary compliance. The Game Check system will still be effective Oct. 15, 2013, for the first day of archery season. CAB Chairman Dan Moultrie said, “We are confident that the hunters in Alabama will comply with the Game Check reporting system on a voluntary basis this first year because they know the importance of the information gained through this process.”
For more information go to:

For the full version of this article click here:

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Take a youngster hunting

If you ever need to feel a breath of fresh air just find a small son or daughter to take hunting.  It will be a trip that you will not soon forget.  I enjoy seeing the woods through the eyes of my 7 year old girl Emily.  She has question about little things that I've not really considered since childhood.  We usually spend about as much time getting ready to hunt as we spend in the woods.  It starts with packing enough snack to supply a small army.

  Then we have to take all the accessories along, deer calls, cover scent, binoculars, face paint, extra flash lights.  You name it and we pack it to the stand.
After we get the truck parked and get unpacked we usually have to spray each other with enough cover scent to last the rest of the hunting season and well on into turkey season.  Then we start the march to the stand.  I'm sure we sound like a army marching in procession as we pass by.  We often stop and talk for several minutes about different type of tracks that we encounter on the road or path.  Emily always finds the neatest flowers growing wild along the trail.

We sometimes spot endangered bugs and crazy looking worms.  We once found the biggest anthill in South Alabama, you ask how I know because Emily told me so.  At some point during the trip I realize that I don't know half as much about the outdoors as I think I do.  She will ask me,  Daddy what kind of bird makes that noise?  Dadddy what type of bee is that?  Dadddy why can I not shoot that doe?  All great questions and I hope to have the answer someday.  But until then I'll just enjoy making up whatever answer comes to mind.   
We like to do some fishing too.

That's me on the Left and Dad in the middle. 
 He spent alot of time taking me and my brother hunting when we were small and now it's something we enjoy doing with our famlies.

question or comments:
Shelby Byrd