
Monday, November 24, 2014

Video of the buck I killed in Kentucky the day before I shot him.  He came in to challenge the grunt call.  I filmed him for about 9 minutes and cut that down to 4 minutes for this video.

Link above to the video on Youtube.

Shelby Byrd

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Check out my first self filmed deer hunt.  

Kentucky Self Filmed Hunt.

Click on the link above to watch.
Shelby Byrd

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Happy memories and the marching on of time

Hunting is often about more than just the hunt.  Before humans had the ability to pass on knowledge through written word they used stories and dancing.  As a kid I loved nothing more than to sit around the old wood stove at the hunting camp and listen to stories from the elders about hunts from the past.  My dad would tell me the story of killing the 12 point buck when he was 12 years old.  And then there was the story of old Billy Phillips, or "Red Man" as he was called, shooting the buck and then finishing it off with a stick to save bullets.  Our freezers may empty out over the summer but the stories from the past year remain strong in our memories.  And it is not just hunting stories; on a   beach fishing trip to Fort Morgan Alabama, someone who will remain nameless fought a 10' piece of carpet for an hour swearing it was a "Monster Red Fish".  It's just another memory now but the retelling only makes the moment live on forever.
 George Byrd with a deer he killed in the 1980's. 
That's me (Shelby Byrd) in the back of the truck.

 Growing up, our family helped to found a hunting club.  Most of the members didn't join for the hunting, they were there for the escape, the opportunity to swap stories and just get away.  One member had a grill strapped down on his tailgate and grilled while hunting.  Some guys spent all day playing on the C.B. radio.  And man talk about entertainment, give 30 people a C.B. and just sit back and listen, it gets very interesting.  Everyone had a C.B. handle, or name.  Dad was Hummingbird and still to this day walking through Walmart someone will call out "What's going on Hummingbird".
 Kentucky Bucks.
Jeff Slaughter, Shelby Byrd, Joe Perkins.

Now a days the hunting has changed for my family but the stories remain.  Now we take a trip to Kentucky several times a year and get caught up on all the old memories on the 7-8 hour ride.  I enjoy hearing my buddy Tim relive the days when he was chasing deer on the back side of the old Bond farm.  My friend Jeff tells the story of the first deer he remembers seeing on his motorcycle on the back side of the Slaughter farm.  He thinks to days back when he was young and deer were rare in the area.  Things change with time, but the stories remain. 
 Tim Bond with a monster buck.  The year Tim killed this deer he shot at 5 different deer with a bow before picking up his rifle.
Back to the C.B radio, have you ever hunted with a guy called Booger?  How about Lucky Strike or Thunderbird, maybe Hondo or Rockin "H"? These old nicknames may be a thing of the past but they still hold a spot in many of our memories.  These days I'm trying to introduce my daughter and wife to the hunting and fishing culture that I grew up enjoying.  I hope that they will find the same joy I have experienced.  My daughter loves for me to tell her a story from when I was a little boy each night at bed time.  She's heard most of them before, several times, but she still seems captivated each time and wants to hear more.  "Daddy is it too late for a story?" 
Shelby, Jennie and Emily Byrd.

What are your favorite hunting memories, stories from a time gone by,
 or tall tales about hunting or fishing?

Questions or Comments
Shelby Byrd

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Roscoe's First Bird Hunt

Our Boykin Spaniel turned a year old this month.  Roscoe has become apart of our family to the extent his nickname is Bubby.  He requires a lot of attention and and will let you know when he is feeling neglected.  He loves to take his family for a walk.  If you open the door to let him outside in the morning chances are he will be pulling on your shorts and trying to drag you out the door with him.  Boykin's are a very hyper breed and he is no exception.  This past weekend we had a chance to take Roscoe on his first dove hunt.  Our daughter was very nervous about taking him hunting mainly because she didn't know what to expect.
Roscoe, Emily and Shelby
Roscoe was a very happy boy and behaved himself very nicely and found a couple of doves that would have been lost without his assistance.  He would pitch a fit and bark anytime someone across the dove field would shoot if he didn't get to retrieve the bird.  I kept him on a leash for the hunt we worked on his commands, sit, stay, quiet.  It was a great experience and we still have a lot of work to do but Roscoe's loves to practice.   He runs circles around our home chasing birds daily.  He's even caught a few birds from the piles of feathers we find in the yard.  It was hard to convince him to give back the bird's he found.
 Roscoe with a bird in his mouth.

Dove season is over for a little while and it will reopen in a few weeks and we can try a little more training then. 
Leo (my brother), Chase (my nephew) George (my father)
Emily and Roscoe climbed the round bails for a better view.
Our Family

Do you have any tips or techniques you could offer for a first time dog trainer?  I'm not real sure on training a retriever but Roscoe is helping all he can, so maybe together we can figure it out.
Questions or Comments?
Shelby Byrd

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fundraiser turkey shoot for the Baldwin Catfish Roundup

It's been a busy week for our family.  I had some training to attend in Northern Ohio and made the return trip home on Friday night late.  On Saturday we helped host a Turkey Shoot for a benefit our family hosts each year for special need citizens.  It was a great time and the shoots success provides some of the needed funds to put on the event.
Jennie trying her luck at the turkey shoot.

I surprised Jennie and Emily with a new Mossberg 500 Super Bantam Combo 20 Gauge a couple of weeks ago. 

Mossberg Super Bantam Combo.

 Jennie shot the gun a few times and it has a great pattern.  The Bantam Combo comes with a 24" bird barrel with several chokes.  It also comes with a 22" slug Barrel which will be great for hog hunting the delta.  The gun has a removable section in the stock so it can grow with the shooter.    I plan to let her and Emily shoot a little skeet in the coming weeks so they can gain confidence with the new gun. What type gun does your wife and kids shoot?  Please share any pictures of your adventures and I will be happy to share them with the blog viewers.
Questions and Comments?
Shelby Byrd

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Review of the Fatal Approach Grunt Call.
    I purchased the Fatal Approach Grunt Call shortly after the 2013 deer season came to a close.    I was immediately blown away by the simple construction and the beauty of the call.  It looked like a show piece for display.  The grunt call comes in many different domestic or exotic hardwoods.  I chose the white oak burl and it looks great.  
Fatal Approach Grunt Call
 My first impressions of the grunt are as follows.
1.       It has a very low breaking point.  It produces a nice low sounding grunt with very little pressure.  This lets the hunter use a wider range of tones than any other call I’ve found on the market. 
2.       The call is two pieces with a long barrel.  You will not have to worry about losing small mouth pieces and other parts of the call.  I purchased a very popular call at the beginning of last deer season and the first hunt I pulled it out of my jacket before first light and found the mouth piece missing (major bummer). 
3.       Most calls that give you the low end grunt will not produce a good loud challenge tone without adjustment.  The Fatal Approach Grunt nails both ends of the spectrum with no adjusting which is amazing to me.
4.       This grunt call would make a great gift.  If you have a Hunter in the family that’s hard to buy for when it comes to Christmas or birthdays then they will be all smiles when he or she opens this box. 

After having the call for a few months I sent an email to Brian Keahey at Fatal Approach describing my thoughts on the call and here is an excerpt from his reply. 

“Like you, I have bought my fair share of grunt calls in the past. So when I began designing this call, I knew what I wanted the final product to sound like. I wanted a very easy blowing call that would allow you to gently ease into the call without over-amplifying the sound. At the same time, the call had to be able to produce sufficient volume and range to be effective from a distance. From my experience, bucks produce grunts that are not as deeply toned as those produced by most commercially available grunt calls. To me, the grunts produced by younger bucks seem to be the most effective at challenging mature deer. Our grunt call was designed around both of these observations. I agree that many grunt calls have an excessive number of parts. I wanted to use as few parts as possible, including a one piece tone board. The use of fewer parts adds to the overall durability of the call as well.” 
Brian is a lot better with the technical terms than me, but I agree with his mission in building this call.  Fatal Approach hit the ball out of the park with this grunt call.
 Click on the above picture to visit the Fatal Approach web site.

Shelby Byrd
Questions or Comments

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Getting ready for dove season.

Preparing for dove season takes time.  We started back at the end of June by planting brown top millet and sunflower seed. It's been a family event with my nephew Chase organizing planting and purchase of the seed and fertilize.
Chase, Leigh and Emily mixing the seed in the spreader.

The millet has produced the seed and has started laying over now in the first weeks of September.  Morning Dove season open at 12 noon on Saturday the 20th of September so we have began to bush-hog the area around the field and have cut a tractor wide pass around each field,  The amount of seed on the ground will draw plenty of birds in the coming weeks.
Millet seed on the ground.

The plan is to cut a little more each week and hopefully we will have a great opening day hunt.
What are your dove season preparations and strategies?  I would love to hear your answers.  

Saturday, July 19, 2014

High Flying Kingfish

Night Time King Mackerel Action

On Thursday, leading up to a three day weekend, my nephew called me looking to go saltwater fishing.  It's the third weekend in July and that just happens to mean the biggest show in fishing is going on in Dauphin Island Alabama.  The Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo is billed as the biggest fishing tournament in the world.  If I'm not fishing the rodeo then I usually try to avoid it.  On Thursday evening I checked the weather forecast for the weekend and its typical rodeo weekend forecast, rain and more rain all three days.  But it seemed that Thursday night was the one exception with a clear sky and calm seas.  I asked my wife Jennie and nephew Chase if they would like to try some night fishing in the gulf?  Both agreed and we left out about 08:30 pm.  After several stops for gas and bait we made it to the Fort Morgan launch around 10:30 pm.  We found a black, star filled sky.  The oil platforms dotted the bay with many colored lights of all shapes and sizes.  We made our way in a westward direction to the mouth of Mobile Bay.  Past the old bouy marking the site where the U.S.S. Tecumseh hit a floating mine and sank on 5 August 1864.  But on this night the Civil War fort was silent and we crept out into the Gulf of Mexico to find a light filled horizon.  It's hard to believe the number of gas drilling platforms in the water south of the Alabama coast.  It's a true fisherman's paradise.  We made our way southeast and picked out a rig three or four miles off the coast.  The waves were slowly rolling and about 1' high so perfect conditions for our 17' Cape Horn.  
Gas Drilling Platform

Chase got a good set on the rig with our 12' rig hook and the fishing began.  The excitement started early with huge splashing all around the rig and soon after Chase spotted a king mackerel in the air.  The fish were rocketing 10-12' in the night sky blowing up the bait on top water.  We set our drifts with balloons and not long after the action started.  Jennie had the first hookup which ended with the king in the oil platform supports.  Chase had a run 5 minutes later and landed a 25lb king. We had the first fish of the night in the ice chest.   

Jennie and Chase.

Night fishing at the oil platforms is a really cool experience.  The gulf is full of life and most of it is well represented in the bright lights.  We saw big groups of squid and huge schools of manta rays coming through the light's.  The kings kept blowing the water up and killing the baits. They seemed to be running in schools and several would rocket out of the water and then the lines would scream from the reels with another fish on.  We fish using steel leaders about 2' long with a swivel on top and a double hook set up.  The first hook has a trailer hook so you can get one in both ends of a cigar minnow.  We usually set the drifting bait out under a balloon, it's thrilling to watch the balloon pop when a fish takes the bait.  Around 2:00am  we starting making our way back to Mobile Bay with a bright red moon filling the sky.  
Jennie Byrd with a nice King Mackerel

We had our limit of fish and a great time cooking them the next morning with family.

Jennie, Chase and Shelby holding King Mackerel

 Question or comments:


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Throw Back Sunday Dinner - River Style

Hi!  I am Jennie, Shelby's wife.  He asked me to post this story tonight after a great day and dinner.   What a fun family day we had.  Started out with Sunday School and church.  We help teach the 3rd and 4th grade class and they were entertaining as usual.  After lunch I was fortunate enough to get to take a nap; one of my favorite Sunday activities!  We ran some errands that included ordering a cake for our daughters birthday later this week.  Then the not so fun part: What do we fix for dinner?  That fun walk through the grocery store when you know you want something good but have no idea what. So today, when trying to figure out what to make for dinner, we decided to take a stroll down memory lane.  I was wanting some fresh corn on the cob so we chose that in place of the fried potatoes.  Emily and Shelby raved about how good the dinner was and everyone had "happy" plates.

 I added Throw Back to the title because for years Shelby's parents had a house boat on the Tensaw River and this dinner was inspired by some of ours from those days.  Oh my goodness the fun we would have up there at that house boat!  Most weekends in the warmer months we would leave Friday straight from work and head up.  You slept better, the food tasted better and fun times seemed to be more fun.  There were always friends and family around and always a good time to be had by all!  Nothing fancy, we would bum around in swim suits and towels mostly, water logged from skiing and swimming all day.  When it was time to eat we  would have some of the best food!  One of our favorites was salmon patties and fried potatoes.  When you play in the sun and water all day you are starved when it is time to eat.  Most times we ate like we had not seen food in weeks. 

It was a super simple dinner but perfect for the beautiful summer afternoon we had here in South Alabama.  I will post the recipe for the salmon patties on the recipe page in case you would like to try one of our old favorites.    If you do, I would love to hear if you enjoyed them as much as we did.

Hope you all have a blessed week ahead. Jennie
For questions or comments, and if you have a great summer recipe to share please email to :
Jennie Byrd

Monday, April 21, 2014

Talking Tom.
While our family was enjoying a spring break trip to Orlando for the theme park juggernaut our extended family in Kentucky was in the woods.  Congratulations to Kaitlyn on her first turkey.  She's been turkey hunting for a few years now and finally got the drop on a good bird.  They had to call the turkey in from a long distance and the wait paid off in a big way.
Kaitlyn with her first Turkey.
Nice Job.
Shelby Byrd

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bring Home The Bacon

Everything you need to know to consistently harvest hogs and fight against rapidly expanding populations that need to be kept in check.


If you’ve ever had any dealings with feral hogs, then you already know that these stocky and hard-nosed critters can be very destructive animals when populations are left unchecked. Excessive rooting and trampling activity for food can inflict major damage to natural habitat. Hogs also carry a variety of diseases and compete directly with livestock and other wildlife species for food. In fact, a large group of hogs are fully capable of wiping out both natural and agricultural food sources within a short period of time.

Plus, they’re prolific breeders, very adaptable and almost impossible to fully eradicate from any given area. At the end of the day, expanding hog populations are extremely detrimental to your game management practices, and can prevent you from reaching your long and short-term goals. This is exactly why you have a responsibility as a hunter to help manage and control hog populations. The following high-impact tips and hunting strategies will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to consistently bring home the bacon this season!

Food Preferences & Habits

Feral hogs are classified as being omnivorous animals, which means they will eat both plant and animal matter. In other words, hogs are opportunistic feeders and will consume almost anything. Foods include roots, tubers, grasses, forbs, fruits, bulbs, mushrooms, agricultural plants and mast such as acorns. They also have no problem dining on a variety of insects, reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals and even dead carcasses. Prime feeding periods generally occur after dark, but hogs are also active during the twilight hours and sometimes throughout the day according to current weather conditions.

As mentioned earlier, feral hogs are very adaptable and can survive in numerous habitats and terrains. For the most part, hogs prefer rich bottomlands that contain rivers, creeks, swamps and drainages. However, they can also be found living inside of moist pine forests, vast sections of hardwoods timber, thickets and just about any place that provides dense vegetation and water. During periods of hot weather, feral hogs enjoy wallowing in cool mud holes that are located close to thick or protective cover.

Scouting & Patterning

Like most game animals, daily patterns and routines of feral hogs are primarily going to be based on current food sources and access to cover. Their home range is generally less than 6,000 acres, but it can expand to more than 60,000 acres depending on the availability of food and cover. Once they’ve located a consistent food source, hogs will often congregate and feed until the source is exhausted or no longer available. In most cases, you’ve hit the jackpot when you can locate a heavily used feeding area that offers quick and easy access to protective cover.

Other signs to look for are wallowing, rooting, rubs, or worn-trails and crossings. Muddy wallows are fairly easy to identify and often used by hogs to simply cool off. However, building up a protective covering of mud on their skin also helps them combat both biting insects and direct sunlight. Rubs are made when hogs scratch themselves on trees, fence posts, and rocks, which typically leave behind obvious signs such as mud streaks and hair. You should also search for areas where hogs have been rooting. These locations are easy to recognize, because it looks like someone or something has plowed up the ground and left behind numerous deep holes and craters.

Within high-traffic areas, you should also find numerous tracks, patches of rubbed off hair and piles of scat or droppings. Hog tracks are somewhat similar to deer tracks in appearance, but their toes are more rounded and wider in comparison to overall length. The hair is unlike any other animal and will usually be stuck to tree trunks, stumps, or boulders. Hog scat or droppings almost look like small piles of calf manure, and will often be found spread out across several locations. One of the fastest ways to pinpoint hogs is to rely upon a network of game cameras to cover key locations. Monitoring current food sources, wallowing holes, and heavily worn trails or crossings can take the guesswork out of where and when to hunt.

Deadly Hunting Strategies

There are a variety of techniques that can be utilized to hunt hogs and manage overall numbers. However, it’s important to note that feral hogs are very intelligent and sometimes hard to handle, especially if they have been exposed to periods of intense hunting pressure. Deer hunting tactics such as strategically positioning a tree stand over high-traffic areas and food sources can be very productive. Your game-cam surveillance should tell you what locations are red-hot and when to hunt a particular setup. In states where legal, creating bait-stations or hanging a timed feeder will really crank up the action. With a timed feeder, you can actually dictate key feeding periods, which enables you to be in the right stand at the right time.

In addition, spot and stalk techniques are also lethal, and this technique adds a new level of excitement to the hunt. Glassing food source and high-traffic areas from a safe distance and using the terrain to move in close on unsuspecting hogs can be very challenging. In states where legal, hunting hogs with a spotlight at night can definitely generate some action-packed hunts. The trick is to target current food sources and open feeding areas that hogs generally visit after dark. Hogs are very active at night and this can be one of the best times to target them. Just make sure you understand and follow all hunting laws, rules and regulations.

If you really want to turn things up a notch or two, then try going with someone who owns several well-trained dogs. Listening and watching the dogs work is special and unique in itself. Once the dogs have a hog locked down, you basically get front-row seats to a show that will kick your adrenalin into maximum overdrive. Witnessing just one of these ultimate showdowns firsthand will get in your blood and make you want to see it again and again. Regardless of what strategy you prefer, hog hunting can be very addictive and challenging. Plus, it gives you something to do during the off-season, and allows you to help manage expanding populations.

When hunting feral hogs, it’s important to note that these critters have super thick skin, which serves as a protective layer of heavy-duty armor. This means you really need to hunt with a .243 or larger caliber (we recommend a .270 caliber or greater) when targeting hogs. Handguns, muzzle-loaders and bows are also fun to use during any type of hog hunt. Another good piece of advice is to try going with an experienced hog hunter and pay close attention to their hunting tactics and techniques. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most effective ways to master the art of hog hunting within a short period of time. If an opportunity presents itself, be sure to give one or all of these deadly hunting strategies a try this season and bring home the bacon
Check out the complete line of products from Code Blue:
And thanks to Code Blue for lettting me repost this story.

Question and Comments:
Shelby Byrd

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Quick trip to the woods.

We took a 3 day trip to Kentucky this weekend to clear some roads and check on the hunting land.  After lunch on Friday we hit the road and now on Sunday Morning we are heading back home.  The recent ice storms had an impact and several trees had to be cut and moved from the access roads.
Joe and Bryant cutting a cedar from the road.
Tractor Supply has several different types of mineral blocks and we usually go with cattle blocks which are cheaper than the deer specific.  After a couple of years of putting the blocks in the same spot the deer have turn the spots into water holes.  They eat the soil that absorbed the minerals and this creates a hole that holds water.  There is two of these water holes that are now increasing in size each year.  The bigger hole is about six by eight feet wide now. 
Tim Bond with a truck load of mineral blocks for the deer.
While clearing shooting lanes in a new stand area Joe spotted these tracks.  It seemed as if a big animal was chasing a deer from the tracks.  I took this picture and it looks to me like a cat track.
Track on Dukes Ridge.
One thing is for sure we are not the only ones deer hunting in these woods.  The distance between the tracks was amazing as well.  In some spots it would be eight to ten feet between track sets.  I'd love to get this animal on the game camera.
Questions or Comments
Shelby Byrd

Friday, March 7, 2014

Fatal Approach Game Calls

Enter for a shot at winning some free gear or game calls at:
Fatal Approach makes some great looking calls.  Check them out at the link above or register for the give away at the top link. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

I got it Daddy!

Great news, our daughter got her first deer today.   We went hunting on some family land in Stapleton, Alabama and Emily took her first deer with a Rossi .243 youth model rifle.  She had to make a shot at about 80 yards.  We had to track the deer about another 30 yards.  She was all smiles and a very happy girl.  Alabama deer season goes out on February 10th this year.  This is the first year deer season has carried over in February.
Emily with her first deer.
Question or comments:
Shelby Byrd

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Double Down all 8's

Well it's been a great week for my father George Byrd.  He was having a slow hunting season and it picked up in a big way on Wednesday evening.  He was able to harvest a nice Alabama 8 pt. buck on family land. 

George Byrd (Dad) with an 8 pt.
Then on Thursday evening he was back in the woods and took another nice 8pt with a kicker.  What's the old saying,  "Strike while the iron's hot"?  I think if I were him I'd be hunting again on Friday.
George Byrd with a tall rack buck.
For Question or Comments:
Shelby Byrd

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hunting with the Family.

This past weekend was a great time for me as a husband, father and outdoorsman.  It was a 3 day weekend for my family so I had a chance to spend some time outdoors.  I had a great time on Saturday taking my daughter to one of her classmates birthday party and hanging around the house.  On Sunday I had a chance to go hog hunting on the Mobile Tensaw Delta.  We found some great new places to hunt and found more deer sign than ever for the river swamp. 
It was a perfect day for river hunting.  Above is a picture of an Osprey Nest,  I'm guessing we saw 20 or more of these sea eagle dwellings along the banks of the river.  Several hunters had a good day and will soon be enjoying fresh pork.
On Monday evening I went hunting with Jennie and Emily behind our home on family property.  Jennie took her first deer and now she's hooked on hunting. 
Shelby, Jennie and Emily.
Emily in the shooting house.
Jennie with her deer.  She's come along way from growing up in New York to pulling the trigger on a deer in Stapleton. 
Our Boykin Spaniel puppy is getting bigger now and loves to play.  We bought him a big box of toys from Sam's Club and Jennie has had to sew them up already. He likes to see what's inside the toys and what makes them squeek.

Roscoe 18 weeks old.
Questions or Comments:
Shelby Byrd

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hog Hunting the Mobile-Tensaw Delta.

Over the last few months I've been working with the help of some friends and family redoing an old 16' Flat Jon Boat.  We use the boat for hunting and frogging the Tensaw Delta.  Sometimes we run a few jugs and or put out some catfish lines.  The boat has a tiller handle 35 Evinrude and is pretty basic.  It's perfect for a hunting boat and can be easily washed out to remove the layer of river mud that accumulates on the bottom of your rubber boots and gets tracked back into the boat. 
Joe and his son Blake. 
We launched on the lower end of the Tensaw Delta due to high waters on the upper end.  After launching at Cloverleaf landing we took a short boat ride over to Raft River.  The water was moving swiftly which is common during the winter months.  Any time you find yourself navigating Raft River pay close attention due to the amount of submerged debris in the water. 
We found plenty of good hog sign on the grass banks.
We hunted several creeks and found some great new places to hunt in the coming weeks. During the trip we found some great looking high ground covered in oak trees in the middle of the swap.  I kind of wonder if it could be similiar to one of the indian mounds that are commonly found on the upper end of the delta. 

Kind a hard to believe this picture was taken in the middle of the river swamp. An open area of about 15-20 acres.  This spot had mature pines and beautiful old oak trees. 
The Tensaw-Mobile River Delta is a great place to hunt Feral Swine.  A couple of things to keep in mind is always have a float plan before leaving your home to go hunting or fishing on the delta.  Make sure someone knows where you are going and what time to expect you home.  I usually take some flagging to mark my way any time I leave the river to venture in the swamp.  It's crazy how everyting looks the same in the deep swamp. 
Another thing to think about is hogs have a very good nose so I recommend using a good cover scent.  If you have never heard of Upwind then they are worth checking out.  They stand behind their products and they really work in many applications.
(Link to the Hunt UpWind web site above.)

Questions or Comments