
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Throw Back Sunday Dinner - River Style

Hi!  I am Jennie, Shelby's wife.  He asked me to post this story tonight after a great day and dinner.   What a fun family day we had.  Started out with Sunday School and church.  We help teach the 3rd and 4th grade class and they were entertaining as usual.  After lunch I was fortunate enough to get to take a nap; one of my favorite Sunday activities!  We ran some errands that included ordering a cake for our daughters birthday later this week.  Then the not so fun part: What do we fix for dinner?  That fun walk through the grocery store when you know you want something good but have no idea what. So today, when trying to figure out what to make for dinner, we decided to take a stroll down memory lane.  I was wanting some fresh corn on the cob so we chose that in place of the fried potatoes.  Emily and Shelby raved about how good the dinner was and everyone had "happy" plates.

 I added Throw Back to the title because for years Shelby's parents had a house boat on the Tensaw River and this dinner was inspired by some of ours from those days.  Oh my goodness the fun we would have up there at that house boat!  Most weekends in the warmer months we would leave Friday straight from work and head up.  You slept better, the food tasted better and fun times seemed to be more fun.  There were always friends and family around and always a good time to be had by all!  Nothing fancy, we would bum around in swim suits and towels mostly, water logged from skiing and swimming all day.  When it was time to eat we  would have some of the best food!  One of our favorites was salmon patties and fried potatoes.  When you play in the sun and water all day you are starved when it is time to eat.  Most times we ate like we had not seen food in weeks. 

It was a super simple dinner but perfect for the beautiful summer afternoon we had here in South Alabama.  I will post the recipe for the salmon patties on the recipe page in case you would like to try one of our old favorites.    If you do, I would love to hear if you enjoyed them as much as we did.

Hope you all have a blessed week ahead. Jennie
For questions or comments, and if you have a great summer recipe to share please email to :
Jennie Byrd

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