
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Late season sucess.

The state of Alabama finally got it right with the late deer season.  As most people along the gulf coast have realized the rut starts late in our part of Alabama.  The law makers in Montgomery listened to our concerns and pushed the season into February for the southern zone.  I've witnessed some early successes due to the new dates and I think its a great idea.  This last week, while traveling around the back roads and major highways, I've seen the number of dead deer on side of the road increase dramatically.  That confirms what we already know, the rut has finally started in South Alabama.  Get out your favorite scent tabs and grunt call and head to the woods.  We are in the peak of the deer hunting season and something special is about to happen.
South Zone stays open until Feb 10th.

Nice South Alabama Buck
killed Feb 3rd by Leo Byrd
Leo Byrd
George Byrd with a late season February buck.

Do you have a picture of a late season Alabama buck you would like to share?
Shelby Byrd


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