Showing posts with label Joe Perkins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Perkins. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2013

Fishing and Football

What a great time to live in South Alabama.  Saturday I was able to watch the Alabama Football team end the day with a shut out victory over the Ole Miss Rebels.  My daughter Emily helped me with a little camo paint job on the little river boat.  And on Sunday morning the temperature was perfect for a fishing trip on the Lower Mobile Delta. At 5:30 when I walked out of the house with a pair of shorts, t-shirt and flip flops, it was a little chilly and felt great.  We took Joe's Blazer Bay and launched at the public launch next to Shirley's Live Bait and headed north.
  Beautiful sunrise to the east.

The fish started biting as the tide began to drop out.  We picked up several Red Fish and some nice Speckled Trout and even put a bass in the livewell for a little extra color.

Blake with a Red Fish

Blake with a Speckled Trout

Mobile Skyline from the Lower Delta on the Spanish River.

U.S.S Alabama as viewed from the boat. 

There must have been 30 boats fishing in the deep hole just south of the Battleship.
We brought the fish home and cleaned them for a little fish fry out in the barn.  We could hear the pounding of the shot guns as many of our friends and family shot doves in the fields around our home. It was a busy weekend and I enjoyed spending a little time outside. Roll Tide Roll.

Joe cooking his "Birthday Eve Meal" in my barn.

The old camo boat Emily helped paint.

Questions or Comments
Shelby Byrd

Monday, July 22, 2013

Average Joe?

A good friend Joe Perkins has been hunting in Western Kentucky for 10 years now.  He has had some great hunts over the years and has been very successful bringing back 5 wall hangers from 130 class to 160 class deer.  What makes this remarkable is this is not pay hunts he's going on.  Joe hunts with our group on privately owned and leased land.  He has a few traditions he lives by and they pay dividends for him.  He will never make the trip north without an ice chest full of shrimp.  The first year he took shrimp to Kentucky he killed the largest buck of his life.  Needless to say he is in a panic each year when the calendar turns to November to try to locate some fresh off the boat shrimp. 

Joe Perkins with 10 pt.

I wont give up all his tricks but check out some of his buck pictures from the last few years.

Joe Perkins

So come November if you see a truck north bound on the Interstate that appears to be the Beverly Hillbillies.  It might be the LA Hillbillies (Lower Alabama) loaded down with gear (shrimp, pecans, satsumas) and any other items that brought a little luck in the past.

If you guys run into Joe ask him to tell you about his cover scent.
He's definitely not your Average Joe when it comes to hunting.

by: Shelby Byrd
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