Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Land Between the Lakes quota hunts 2 days left to get in the drawing.

Land Between the Lakes

Land Between the Lakes is taking application's to enter the quota hunt drawing through the end of July.  This is a reminder that you have 2 days left to get your application turned in.  This is a beautiful place to hunt and offers hunting on over 170,000 acres.  The application fee is 5$. You can register as a group and if you don't get a draw this year then your group will have a point to carry over to next year.


                                                         Land Between The Lakes
                                                         National Recreation Area
                                                          100 Van Morgan Drive
                                                         Golden Pond, KY 42211

                                                        Phone: 270-924-2000
                                                       Toll Free: 800-525-7077
                                                       Email: LBLInfo@fs.fed.us

Friday, July 26, 2013

Nutria friend or foe?

The Nutria has went from fur trading boom to swap grass eating doom.  The origins of this oversize rat making it to the shores of the Southeastern United States has been debated.  It's been said they were brought here in the 1930's by naturalist and hot-sauce magnate E.A Mcllhenny.  Mcllhenny planned to raise Nutria in large pens for the fur trade.  The legend has it that a hurricane swept through South Louisiana and the pens were destroyed and the rest is history.  Our climate here in this region is not much different from the fertile grounds of South America where the Nutria are native. This has ensured that the Nutria population has increased at staggering rates.  Some states have introduced a bounty on Nutria but the population keeps growing.  On a hog hunting trip to the Alabama delta this spring we noticed large strips of marsh land that had been completely cleared by the Nutria. So if any of you industrial minded individuals are looking for a turn of the century trade, I hear that Nutria handbags used to be the rage. 

This is a photo of a Nutria we killed while hog hunting.
Notice the grass laying at the bottom of the picture.  This Nutria family had cleared an entire island of reeds and grass.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Walnut Grove Hunting Products

Walnut Grove Hunting Products

Walnut Grove Hunting Products has been very kind and submitted a few of the quality products they offer for review on our blog.  So over the next few months we will feature some of the items in a review post.  Get a sneak peek at their web site and check out their cool products. 

Walnut Grove Hunting Products292 U.S. Route 224 - Suite 2
Sullivan, Ohio 44880
Phone (419) 736-3530 or Toll free (877)338-8171
 Web Site

Monday, July 22, 2013

Average Joe?

A good friend Joe Perkins has been hunting in Western Kentucky for 10 years now.  He has had some great hunts over the years and has been very successful bringing back 5 wall hangers from 130 class to 160 class deer.  What makes this remarkable is this is not pay hunts he's going on.  Joe hunts with our group on privately owned and leased land.  He has a few traditions he lives by and they pay dividends for him.  He will never make the trip north without an ice chest full of shrimp.  The first year he took shrimp to Kentucky he killed the largest buck of his life.  Needless to say he is in a panic each year when the calendar turns to November to try to locate some fresh off the boat shrimp. 

Joe Perkins with 10 pt.

I wont give up all his tricks but check out some of his buck pictures from the last few years.

Joe Perkins

So come November if you see a truck north bound on the Interstate that appears to be the Beverly Hillbillies.  It might be the LA Hillbillies (Lower Alabama) loaded down with gear (shrimp, pecans, satsumas) and any other items that brought a little luck in the past.

If you guys run into Joe ask him to tell you about his cover scent.
He's definitely not your Average Joe when it comes to hunting.

by: Shelby Byrd
email me at: