
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Getting ready for dove season.

Preparing for dove season takes time.  We started back at the end of June by planting brown top millet and sunflower seed. It's been a family event with my nephew Chase organizing planting and purchase of the seed and fertilize.
Chase, Leigh and Emily mixing the seed in the spreader.

The millet has produced the seed and has started laying over now in the first weeks of September.  Morning Dove season open at 12 noon on Saturday the 20th of September so we have began to bush-hog the area around the field and have cut a tractor wide pass around each field,  The amount of seed on the ground will draw plenty of birds in the coming weeks.
Millet seed on the ground.

The plan is to cut a little more each week and hopefully we will have a great opening day hunt.
What are your dove season preparations and strategies?  I would love to hear your answers.  

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