
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Review of the Fatal Approach Grunt Call.
    I purchased the Fatal Approach Grunt Call shortly after the 2013 deer season came to a close.    I was immediately blown away by the simple construction and the beauty of the call.  It looked like a show piece for display.  The grunt call comes in many different domestic or exotic hardwoods.  I chose the white oak burl and it looks great.  
Fatal Approach Grunt Call
 My first impressions of the grunt are as follows.
1.       It has a very low breaking point.  It produces a nice low sounding grunt with very little pressure.  This lets the hunter use a wider range of tones than any other call I’ve found on the market. 
2.       The call is two pieces with a long barrel.  You will not have to worry about losing small mouth pieces and other parts of the call.  I purchased a very popular call at the beginning of last deer season and the first hunt I pulled it out of my jacket before first light and found the mouth piece missing (major bummer). 
3.       Most calls that give you the low end grunt will not produce a good loud challenge tone without adjustment.  The Fatal Approach Grunt nails both ends of the spectrum with no adjusting which is amazing to me.
4.       This grunt call would make a great gift.  If you have a Hunter in the family that’s hard to buy for when it comes to Christmas or birthdays then they will be all smiles when he or she opens this box. 

After having the call for a few months I sent an email to Brian Keahey at Fatal Approach describing my thoughts on the call and here is an excerpt from his reply. 

“Like you, I have bought my fair share of grunt calls in the past. So when I began designing this call, I knew what I wanted the final product to sound like. I wanted a very easy blowing call that would allow you to gently ease into the call without over-amplifying the sound. At the same time, the call had to be able to produce sufficient volume and range to be effective from a distance. From my experience, bucks produce grunts that are not as deeply toned as those produced by most commercially available grunt calls. To me, the grunts produced by younger bucks seem to be the most effective at challenging mature deer. Our grunt call was designed around both of these observations. I agree that many grunt calls have an excessive number of parts. I wanted to use as few parts as possible, including a one piece tone board. The use of fewer parts adds to the overall durability of the call as well.” 
Brian is a lot better with the technical terms than me, but I agree with his mission in building this call.  Fatal Approach hit the ball out of the park with this grunt call.
 Click on the above picture to visit the Fatal Approach web site.

Shelby Byrd
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